School Aged Childcare Services
School aged childcare services generally care for children who are attending primary school. Some are open all year round – caring for children before and after school and during school holidays – whilst others are open term-time only. They are usually open from around 8am in the morning and close at 6pm in the evening to support working parents.
School aged childcare services in Glasgow are not run by the Council but are all run either by charities, voluntary groups, social enterprises or are private businesses. There is currently no entitlement to any funded school aged childcare and you have to pay for any services you use.
School aged childcare services are regulated by the Care Inspectorate and have to meet the National Care Standards.
Here is where to find a list of current School Aged Childcare Services. A-Z After School Care/School Aged Chidcare (SAC)
The Scottish Government is continuing to plan and develop a system of School Aged Childcare (SAC) that will be available and affordable for all eligible families and will be free to the most vulnerable.
Glasgow City Council has received funding to support the delivery and development of SAC services within identified GCC Ward Areas – East Centre, Drumchapel Anniesland, Southside Central and Calton.
At present, this is short-term support and funded until the end of March 2026.
You can download the application form to complete via the link: GLASGOW CITY COUNCIL SCHOOL-AGED CHILDCARE FREE OR PARTIALLY FUNDED SUPPORT 24-25 to apply.
Further updates will be added as they become available however in the interim If you would like more information please get in touch by emailing
Registered Childminders & School Aged Children
Registered Childminders work within their own homes and can provide care for children from birth to 12 years old - and sometimes older where a child has an additional support need. They are regulated by the Care Inspectorate in the same way that nurseries and school aged childcare services are - List of Registered Childminders
Registered Childminders are self-employed and you have to pay for any services you use.
Here is where to find information on Registered Childminders in Glasgow.